What to Expect for Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

Woman’s midsectionIf you are looking to receive an abdominoplasty, more commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, you may be wondering what to expect during your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons in NC. Below you will find all of the details about what you will discuss and what preliminary actions your surgeon will perform.

During your consultation, you will be asked about the goals you are hoping to obtain during surgery. You will also discuss any medical conditions, drug allergies, and other treatments and surgeries you have undergone. It is vital to accurately discuss your medical history as well as any medications or supplements you are using and your alcohol, tobacco, and drug usage.

Your surgeon will also evaluate your overall health status and take note of any pre-existing conditions or risk factors that may impact the abdominoplasty. They will even sit with you to discuss all of your options to ensure the surgery is the best fit for your needs and goals. Your surgeon will also clearly communicate any risks or potential complications involved with the operation.

The success of your surgery dramatically relies on how present you are during your consultation. Providing detailed responses and adequate information will allow your surgeon to properly outline all of the risks involved in the procedure and ensure your safety.

Using Botox to Prevent Migraines

Woman with a migraineThough Botox is mainly known for its ability to reduce wrinkles on the face, it also can act as a treatment for chronic migraines. Researchers have discovered that those who suffer from chronic migraines that also receive Botox injections reported having fewer migraines than they did before. Though it is currently unknown how these injections are reducing the frequency, future studies are in the works.

Botox for migraines is injected into the muscles around the bridge of the nose, temples, forehead, nape of the neck, and upper back. The procedure can burn, but only takes about ten to fifteen minutes to complete. When used as preventative medicine, Botox in Cary, NC, requires treatment every twelve weeks for maximum effectiveness.

There are some potential side effects to receiving Botox injections, such as neck pain, muscle weakness, injection site pain, and a rise in blood pressure. Some more severe side effects include dizziness, eyelid swelling, jaw pain, and difficulty swallowing. However, many of the more severe effects are also very uncommon.

If you are experiencing chronic migraines and are interested in Botox in Cary, NC, contact Cary Plastic Surgery today at (919) 233-1933. Our plastic surgery specialist will help you determine if Botox is the right choice of treatment for your needs.