Using Plastic Surgery for Cupid’s Bow Repair

Close up of woman’s lipsCupid’s bow is the curve in the middle of your upper lip, given its name due to the shape’s resemblance of cupid’s weapon of choice. Certain medical conditions, such as William’s Syndrome, cleft lip, and Ackerman Syndrome, can cause deformities of the Cupid’s bow. Fortunately, you can opt for facial plastic surgery in Raleigh, NC, to repair these deformities.

Many people, especially women, are self-conscious about this small area of the body. With the help from our surgeon at Cary Plastic Surgery, we can help reconstruct this facial area to be more symmetrical and appealing.

Repairing a Cupid’s bow in a cleft lip can be done as early as infancy, and is often necessary to promote proper nursing and bottle-feeding. Often, more than one surgery is necessary for a complete repair, but it provides excellent benefits for children as well as adults.

A surgeon may also go in and enhance the appearance of the lips, depending on the severity of the condition. This will ensure that the mouth is symmetrical and able to be fully functional after the surgery.

If you are interested in learning more about Cupid’s bow repair, contact the experts at Cary Plastic Surgery today. You can reach our surgeon by calling (919) 233-1933.